Thursday, April 21, 2016

France: Mohamed Merah's brother fell in love with a Jewish woman and was stabbed by family

Still all sorts of experts maintain that young Muslims are radicalised on the Internet and not within their own families.

Jewish victims of Mehra
La Libre Belgique carries an article about Abdelghani Merah, Mohamed Merah's brother.  He broke with his family ethos when he "betrayed" his brother by informing the police of his crimes.

Abdelghani Merah says that their parents laid the "fertile ground" on which his brothers and sister Souad became radicalised and unbounded anti-Semites.  

"My mother always said that Arabs were born to hate Jews. My father believed that the Palestinians were right to explode themselves and the Israelis got their just deserts."

Abdelghani Merah fell in love with a woman of Jewish descent and this led his brother Abdelkader to take revenge by stabbing him seriously.

read more (in French)

Read more:
Mohamed Mehra's brother vows to liberate France and Jerusalem from Jewish filth
Brother of French anti-Semitic terrorist speaks out against his upbringing

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