Sunday, April 17, 2016

UK :Guardian letter by Gilad Atzmon ally blames ‘100 years of Arab hostility to West’ on Zionism

Via UK Media Watch:
The historical distortions about Zionism advanced by Karl Sabbagh in his April 10th Guardian letter aren’t at all surprising when you consider that he enthusiastically endorsed and wrote a blurb for Gilad Atzmon’s ‘The Wandering Who?’, a book characterized by the CST as “quite probably the most antisemitic book published in [the UK] in recent years”. (Among Atzmon’s observations about Jewish identity in his book is the claim that Hitler may one day be proven right about the Jews.)
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Sabbagh ostensibly sets out to correct a claim about the Sykes-Picot agreement in an article by the Guardian’s Giles Fraser, but quickly pivots to ‘setting the record straight’ on the broader historical record concerning Britain’s “unjust treatment of Palestine”.


Sabbagh concludes:
It is arguable that this unjust treatment of Palestine, sacred to Muslims as well as Christians and Jews, did more to initiate 100 years of hostility by the Arabs against the west than the creation of Syria, Iraq and Jordan, which, unlike Palestine, did eventually gain their independence.
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