Sunday, April 15, 2018

Greek Jews call for the abolition of the 'burning of the Judas'

Via Against antisemitism – Ενάντια στον αντισημιτισμό:

The ‘burning of the Judas’ in the village of Tolo, on the Peloponnese peninsula
(Easter 2018). Screenshot via YouTube

Announcement by the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece:
During the Easter holidays, various customs take place in our country. One of these is the “burning of the effigy of Judas”, which takes place in some areas of the country. This custom perpetuates stereotyped perceptions against the Jews. It is significant that the custom has almost been eliminated in the rest of Europe.

In the past, we, the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, have repeatedly proceeded with representations to competent bodies in order to stop the custom in our country. The fact that the Church of Greece, with its Synodic Circulars of 1891, 1910 and 1918, demanded that “these customs are expressly forbidden” is of particular significance.

We believe that this custom not only offends the Greek Jewish community but also affects every effort towards the understanding and respect of common values ​​that characterise Judaism and Christianity. 
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